For example, we wanted some on location shots to show Layla in her natural surroundings. Other artists such as MNEK have done this and we decided that we would also like to do this as it created a 'realness' for the artist. This urban, gritty feel is something that we would definitely want for our artist .
We also wanted to capture Layla in a more professional light by taking some studio shots. However, like Jorja Smith (pictured left), we wanted to keep a casual feel to the picture. We will hopefully be able to connote this through our choice of wardrobe. By sticking to urban clothing and street wear we think that we will be able to stick to the urban image of our artist.
Overall, promo shots are a great oppurtunity for artists to show different aspects of their personality. Image is a crucial for an artist, especially a new one, making this process a very important one.