Below is our finished music video...

Below are the external panels of our Digipak. Left is the back and right is the cover

Below are the external panels of my Digipak

Below are the external panels of my Digipak
Left is the back of the album and to the right is the front

Below are the internal panels of our Digipak

Below are the internal panels of our Digipak

Below are the internal panels of our Digipak

Below are the internal panels of our Digipak
Click on the image below to be directed to our website

Thursday, 22 September 2016

R+P Post 10: Album covers that have inspired and influenced my ideas

Image result for album covers dua lipaWe were inspired by the strong pose on Dua Lipa's album cover. Her look directly at the camera created a feeling of confidence for us and emphasised her status as a pop star. Her positioning is simple yet potent as it creates a feeling of effortlessness that we felt drawn to. The colour scheme is aesthetically pleasing and creates a sense of uniformity. Her costume appears casual, yet  star pieces such as the bold Choker and the pink Culottes with the lace trim help the artist to stand out and highlight her modern fashion sense. Overall, this created a feeling of freshness that we would also like to create in our own album.

Image result for pell album

We were drawn to this album cover because of the silhouette. This was a technique that we had not seen used by any other artist and therefore made it stand out. As well as looking very dramatic, we also felt that it gave a real sense of the narrative within the album.

Image result for pell album
This album is from the artist Pell. We were instantly engaged by his mid air pose. We felt
this created a great sense of energy and made the album appear extremely unique. This mid air movement is also something that we would like to experiment with as we think that this would be a great way to make our album art to stand out.

Image result for album covers amy winehouse

This is another example of movement within an album cover. Here, the 'candid' feel of the image creates the idea of capturing a moment in time. This was something that appealed to us as we felt that it would make our artist appear more 'human', rather than just a construct. It would also help to give audience members an insight into the personality of our artist as they would appear to be frozen in their everyday life.

Researching these different album covers has been a beneficial process as it allowed us to see all of the different manners in which artists choose to present themselves and their work. Each album cover created a different portrayal of their artist in order to create a piece of art that was unique and would stand out.

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