Below is our finished music video...

Below are the external panels of our Digipak. Left is the back and right is the cover

Below are the external panels of my Digipak

Below are the external panels of my Digipak
Left is the back of the album and to the right is the front

Below are the internal panels of our Digipak

Below are the internal panels of our Digipak

Below are the internal panels of our Digipak

Below are the internal panels of our Digipak
Click on the image below to be directed to our website

Tuesday, 1 November 2016

R+P Post 33: Reflections on my role and contribution during research and planning

I think that I have been a valuable member of my group throughout this process as I have completed task in all aspects. For example...
Artist image
I had to style my hair and make up in a way that was appropriate for our artist. Being the only one in my group with any experience in this area, this responsibility fell solely upon myself. This meant that I had to make decisions about the types of looks that I wanted to create and also had to execute theses looks myself. This was a great learning experience for me as it forced me to develop my make up skills and experiment with make up outside of my regular everyday look. It also taught me a lot about time management and  highlighted the importance of image for an artist.
One of my planned make up looks
As the main actor of this video I had to learn the lyrics and choreography to our song. This involved extra time on me developing my characterisation throughout this process as well as memorising all of the basics.
As I have a Nigerian background I took it upon myself to research a surname for our artist. This took much deliberation within the group as we needy a name that was easy to pronounce and punchy. After going through a large variety of names I finally came across the name 'Obi'. This was a short and sharp surname that was easy to pronounce, yet also reflected Layla's African heritage.
Planning photographs
Despite not being a strong drawer, I completed the tasks of drawing the flat plan for our album panels. This task was made easier by my use of other forms of media such as Instagram as this is where I was able to collect a lot of my references for ideas. Drawing the flat plan involved a lot of drafting and re-drafting as we would have to change our design in response to our teacher feedback and target audience tips.
The flat plan that I drew
A mood board I made with inspirational Instagram posts
Making projections 
After researching various music videos such as Fight for love by Kwabs, I thought that it would be effective if we incorporated different projections to go over my body in the video. I then began experimenting with different shapes and colours on Adobe Premiere Pro until I came up with a simple, yet effective set of projections.

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