Our editing schedule for week 2 |
During edit week 2 we began to incorporate our new footage into our final sequence. We had to repeat many elements of week 1 such as renaming the shots and picking the best takes. Once we had these we began to make more precise cuts to our shots. We then added the music which had Alex had created to the sequence. After this, we edited the final voice over which I had recorded with Reuben. This caused us some issues, as mentioned in a previous post, as our recording equipment created a slight echo, which was pointed out to us by a member of our TA. In order to overcome this issue we decided to edit the voice over using the equalizer function on our software. This was very time consuming, but helped us improved the sound quality and therefore overall quality of our sequence. After creating our basic sequence we began to add effects such as fades to our shots to improve the fluidity of our shot transitions. We then concentrated on adding important elements such as titles. This was an ongoing process as we often decided to change the font and colour of the titles in order to appeal to members of our focus group as they would tell us whether our choices were appropriate or not. Finally, we used a lot of our time grading our shots. This was to give our footage the finished look as it would often be a dull greyish colour. By grading we were able to manipulate the footage to make it brighter and more appealing. Originally, we had decided on using a slightly sepia effect as we were inspired by the film 'Submarine'. We also chose to grade slightly towards blue and orange as we thought this would give our film a unique look, typical to Indie films. I began to grade our footage like this, however, some members of our group decided they no longer wanted this look and began to change the grading I had done. This is an example of when we lacked communication skills. To prevent issues like this from occurring again, we introduced the post-it system. This system consisted of us writing down any queries or comments we had on a post-it and sticking it on the computer screen. This meant that when the next group member who began to edit would be able to address these quires or recommendations. I think that this edit week went very well as we went into great depth because we wanted our final product to reflect all of our hard work.
Our edit suite and post-it system |
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