Below is our finished music video...

Below are the external panels of our Digipak. Left is the back and right is the cover

Below are the external panels of my Digipak

Below are the external panels of my Digipak
Left is the back of the album and to the right is the front

Below are the internal panels of our Digipak

Below are the internal panels of our Digipak

Below are the internal panels of our Digipak

Below are the internal panels of our Digipak
Click on the image below to be directed to our website

Thursday, 17 March 2016

Evaluation Question 3: What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

We decided to create our own independent production company to produce our film and also chose an already existing company to distribute it. Our reasons for these decisions are explained below:

Below I will suggest how our film would be released and marketed based on the plans I have seen from other British Independent films...
I have summarised our marketing strategy in a short slide show. Please use the arrows to navigate the slideshow.

How our film will be distributed:
We will first showcase our film at the BFI London Film Festival as it is a pioneering platform for independent films and has been the location for the premiere of critically acclaimed Independent films such as 'Slumdog Millionaire'.
Our film will be showcased at many different Independent cinemas such as Art House cinema in Crouch End. However, we will also distribute our film in chain cinemas such as Odeon cinema in order to be available to a wider audience.
After its theatrical release, our film would be available on TV channels such as Film 4. This helpful as they also distribute our film, meaning that they will put great emphasis on this film in order to increase profit. By releasing our film on TV we may also attract people that do not necessarily have the time or money to go to the cinema, thus reaching a wider audience.
Our film will also be available on online subscriptions such as Netflix. This will help to extend the life of our film and would be result in exposure to the 75 million subscribes which it has.
We would also release our film on DVD and Blu-ray some months after its theatrical release.These DVDs would then be sold in supermarkets such as Morrisons and sold online through websites such as Amazon.

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