Below is our finished music video...

Below are the external panels of our Digipak. Left is the back and right is the cover

Below are the external panels of my Digipak

Below are the external panels of my Digipak
Left is the back of the album and to the right is the front

Below are the internal panels of our Digipak

Below are the internal panels of our Digipak

Below are the internal panels of our Digipak

Below are the internal panels of our Digipak
Click on the image below to be directed to our website

Thursday, 17 March 2016

Evaluation Question 5: How did you attract/address your audience?

I have created a mind map which explains how our audience will be attracted/addressed. Please hover over the image to see the + and - navigation buttons which will allow you to zoom in and out of my annotations.

During our production process we showcased our film opening to different people in order to get a good amount of constructive criticism. Some of the notes we received included...
  • Reducing the length of the voice over as it distracted from the visuals at times. As a result, I cut down the voice over so that it was more concise and did not drag.
  • Staging the conflict scene better. As a result we changed the angles which we shot this scene at in order to improve continuity. This included us recording a master shot as a main basis of our editing which we then edited subsequent shots into. This meant that there was a great reduction in the amount of jump cuts in our sequence.
  • Having to adapt the dialogue in the conflict scene. At first, the actors were free to improvise for this short section of the sequence, however, after seeing how this disrupted the flow of our editing I eventually scripted this section. This was extremely helpful as it meant that we could cut between shots easier without the fear of having sound that did not match.
We then showcased our improved final sequence to audience members and received some more reactions:
Overall, I am extremely happy with this feedback as it is very positive. Even though our sequence is not perfect, everyone that gave feedback was able to pick out several enjoyable aspects of our sequence, suggesting that is one with many good qualities.

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